- Add collection "Mémoire des Hommes" . Soldier with armenian surname died during the First & Second World War & people were shot at Mont Valérien. list names here
- Improved automatic filtering of Armenian-sounding names. more than 20,000 non-Armenian names deleted from database
- Blacklist of names that are not Armenian

- Improved indexing for "Ofpra fond Armenien". More than 1000 new keys (from 1888 to 1940) : list names here

- Improved indexing for "Ofpra fond Armenien". More than 1000 new keys (from 1881 to 1940)

- Added index of nominative datas from the central file of the National Security (1870-1940) / 14 000 records

- Added collection of 300 passports (1920 ~ 1950)
- Improved indexing for "Ofpra fond Armenien". More than 900 new keys (from 1832 to 1940)
- Added GPS coordinates for the collection "Insee Deces". It is possible to view the city by clicking on map icon (99% of the collection)
- Responsive website. You can use it on most smartphones more easily

- Added "Ofpra fond Armenien".
- Added metaphone & soundex algorithm for the search.

- Opened website. Insee Collection. More than 100 000 records.